
I Am the Heart: A Commentary on Liber LXV Chapter I
I Am the Heart is a detailed commentary on chapter one of Liber LXV, The Book of the Heart Girt with a Serpent. It is written in an organized and detailed style where each verse is examined with an in-depth commentary. Its purpose is to offer the reader a clear look into the deep well of mystical wisdom found within this Holy Book of Thelema.

Ever the Heart investigates one of the most prominent symbols of Thelema, the Heart of Blood. This three part essay takes a look at the subtle and often overlooked significance of this symbol. It seeks to look beyond the veil of the ordinary to discover its archetypal mystery.

The Parables of Thelema is part of the Thelemic Lecture Series which originate from lectures given by J. Daniel Gunther over the past 11 years. This particular volume, Vol. I, centers around parables given in one of the Holy Books of Thelema, The Book of the Heart Girt with a Serpent. The content covers a wide range of topics, including Egyptology, Psychology, Alchemy & Magick, all grounded in the philosophy of Thelema. They are designed to offer the reader a scholastic and well-rounded knowledge of Thelema. This volume is designed to be clear, concise, and visually engaging.

Most important and particular to The Black Edition, is that it has been updated with clear digital fonts of all the artistic text. It also has a new section with translations of ALL the foreign languages and documented sources which originated from Biblical text and medieval alchemical documents.
                          Alchymicum: The Black Edition

The second edition of Opus Alchymicum is now available!
This second edition is bound in white cloth and stamped in gold, so it is called the White Edition. The size is 9" x 12" with 56 full color pages and is accompanied with a slipcase. There are a few additions not present in the first edition.

Please email with any questions.


Italian Edition
Spanish Edition

This book sets out to provide a cohesive and penetrating analysis of the spiritual doctrine underlying and informing the Æon of the Child, and the sublime formulas of Initiation encountered by those who seek to probe its mysteries.
In this companion to Initiation in the Æon of the Child, the author addresses the two major spiritual crises in the career of the aspirant - the Knowledge & Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel and the Crossing the Abyss between the divine realms and the human.
Daniel Gunther provides a detailed account and interpretation of a series of visions exploring the Pylons of the Duat, or “Starry Abode.” To the ancient Egyptians, the Duat was the place where the sun god Ra made his 12-hour nocturnal journey through the underworld.
Questo libro si prefigge di fornire un'analisi coesiva ed acuta della dottrina spirituale sottostante e permeante l'Eone del Bambino, e delle sublimi formule dell'Iniziazione in cui imbattono coloro che cercano di sondarne i misteri.
El foco primario de este libro es una comprensión del cambio a las fórmulas de Iniciación provocado por el advenimiento del Nuevo Eón -el Eón del Niño- en 1904. Explica cómo las revelaciones únicas a este estadio de evolución humana impactan en la obra del aspirante individual.

Portuguese Edition

This expanded edition includes an essay by Dr. Israel Regardie, a commentary by Frater Achad, an updated afterword by James Wasserman, and a new analysis by J. Daniel Gunther who provides Qabalistic insights into the poem's extraordinary depth.
This edition features Stanley's text updated by James Wasserman, a biographical sketch of Stanley by Manly P. Hall, an overview of the teachings of Pythagoras by Dr. Henry L. Drake, and a study of Greek and Latin sources by J. Daniel Gunther.
Esta importante coleção inclui dois textos instrucionais mais importantes de Aleister Crowley sobre o projeto e propósito do diário mágico, John St. John e A Mestre do Templo. Esta edição revista inclui uma nova introdução pelo editor James Wasserman, e um prefácio de J. Daniel Gunther.
This 20th anniversary edition features a newly designed cover and 16 pages of all-new content that analyzes the progress in modern Egyptology, an updated foreword by James Wasserman, a new bibliography/study guide by Dr. Ogden Goelet, and a new introduction by J. Daniel Gunther.
This important collection includes Aleister Crowley's two most important instructional writings on the design and purpose of the magical diary, John St. John and A Master of the Temple. This revised edition includes a new introduction by James Wasserman, and a foreword by J. Daniel Gunther.